sausage reviews

Rustlers Sausage Muffin

Published on May 1st, 2021 Rustlers

Delicious! Muffin is nicely chewy, holds up well after being in the microwave. Sausage patty is nicely fatty and the cheese comfortably covers the whole surface area. Easy prep – 65 seconds in the microwave, job done!

4 out of 5

Rustlers All Day Breakfast Sausage Muffin

Published on February 24th, 2020 Rustlers

A deliciously fatty, fast meal. It comes with the standard plasticy orange cheese, and a sachet of ketchup. Not quite the artery-clogging feast of the Feasters Premium Double Sausage Breakfast Bap with Cheese & Tomato Ketchup, but a similar result: meaty sausage flavour, filling, and a ketchup that cuts through the fat. The muffin has a… [Read More]

4 out of 5

Feasters Premium Double Sausage Breakfast Bap with Cheese & Tomato Ketchup

Published on October 5th, 2019 Feasters

This is an artery clogging feast. Pleasant sausage flavour, a bit softer than the McDonald’s Sausage McMuffin and less meaty, but still good. They’re big too. Frankly it would have been fine with 1 sausage, not 2. Ketchup cuts through the fat nicely. Zero nutritional benefit, but quick, filling, tasty junk food.

4 out of 5

ASDA Toad in the Hole

Published on April 27th, 2019 ASDA

Sausages are bland, bready and tasteless. The batter is a bit crunchy on top and doughy underneath. Disappointing.

2 out of 5

hEAT ‘EM UP Breakfast Wrap

Published on December 29th, 2018 hEAT 'EM UP

This frozen snack is very minimal in its packaging. Are there two wraps? Does it come with cheese? What’s actually inside the wrap? Behold, fellow reader – Student Munch has done the work for you and answered life’s eternal questions. This is one wrap, cut in half. It’s presumably intended to be eaten in one… [Read More]

3 out of 5

Weight Watchers Lincolnshire Sausage & Root Vegetable Mash

Published on March 16th, 2018

Seriously impressive that this is under 300 calories. Portion size looks about the same as any microwave meal and it looks pretty tasty! The root vegetable mash is pretty good and the sausages have a nice processed texture to them, and the ingredients look good. But man alive, this gravy is watery and flavourless. Such… [Read More]

3 out of 5

ASDA Slimzone Sausage & Boston Bean Bake

Published on February 16th, 2018

This from-frozen ready meal packs in a mighty 3 of your 5 a day of vegetables. I didn’t know that when I bought it, but I am very pleasantly surprised! What more nutrition could a hungry student need? Oh but there must be a downside! Are they vegan sausages or something? *checks the packet* 89% pork!!… [Read More]

2 out of 5

Aldi Sausage and Mash

Published on August 16th, 2013

At 89p, very cheap. Impressive what you can get! The sausages have a nice Cumberland flavour, though are gritty in places. They’re quite generously sized, given the cost of the meal. The potato is surprisingly buttery and creamy, though the appearance and texture is very manufactured. What lets the meal down is, surprisingly, the onion… [Read More]

3 out of 5

Chef Select Sausage & Mash

Published on July 17th, 2013

Nice, creamy mashed potato, generously sized sausages, and a tasty, subtle onion gravy. The sausages aren’t gritty at all, or bready, or overly soft. They have a nice firmness and meatiness, and a pleasant Lincolnshere sausage flavour. Only £1.69! Very good value.

5 out of 5

Morrisons Savers Sausage and Mash

Published on June 16th, 2013

Wow, these sausages are bready. I dread to think how much meat is in them. The mash is sticky and flavourless. There is hardly any gravy, so this part was hard to review, but it has a nice onion flavour. Finally, the portion size is tiny- this is no more than a snack for adults,… [Read More]

2 out of 5